Deceptive Honesty
Pepperdine University 
November 2022

Once Was.
Acrylic, Ink, CD, nails, plywood
48 x 96 inches

    Memory is responsible for writing the script to one’s life. It is a record of time, uniquely tailored to each individual acting as a preserver of emotion, senses, color, and space. It shapes perspectives. With the introduction of technology, human memory has become less of a necessity and more of a quickly fading idea. Human memory relies on technology to fill in its gaps in space and time. Memory can serve as an alternate reality, finding recognizable patterns within a person’s thoughts to produce a personal and unique ‘dataset.’

    In this work, I interrupt technology to have a direct relationship with the human memory in that it has influenced and continues to influence the way human’s record the world around them. CD’s are a representation of the finite nature of time - each containing a set of information that makes them unique. However, in the way CD’s are able to be duplicated and repeatable, the human interpretation of a memory is not. Every pattern drawn is unique to the CD, created from a combination of each pattern seen around it, but never an exact replica. As each person interacts with my work, they have a different context of what the CD’s purpose might be. As a result, this influences their interpretation, triggering a set of memories that is most likely different from the person next to them.